Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Are you Solar Powered?

I am for sure..It matters not that it's still bloody freezing..the sun always recharges my batteries..maybe I was a tree in a past life..or maybe not..I'm not great at the whole being rooted thing..

I got the 3rd rejection for my novel and saw my Dad yesterday with his pocket full of pamphlets and his now 30" boiler hasn't worked since Friday and no-one seems to be able to fix little boy threw up all over me last night..but the sun shines and everything falls into its own little box of perspective..

It's 10am and I've already completed illustration no.6 for the eco-toddler picture book I've written..6 more to this rate, it'll be back with the publisher this evening..

The boilermen have turned up..lots of umming and head-scratching going on..maybe they just like the seriously good coffee I keep firing at them..lucky they're on a price rather than an hourly rate..

My 4 1/2 yr old daughter had to take a decorated egg into school today..she fell asleep when she got home from after-school club last night so it became a 7am job..a circle of gold card with pink fluff stuck around the edge..the nest..a gold plastic egg in 2 halves..1 with stickers and zigzags..the other with a ball of purple fluff with a beak and eyes stuck on..and then some random cardboard mini-eggs..she strutted to school this morning..her beautifully crafted nest held out proudly in front of her..all her own idea..she has the most fantastic imagination and creative ability..

I hope the sun keeps shining for the festival season..the mudfests of last year were a slog to say the least..though I guess I'm what you'd call a diehard and had some major fun despite it..

The first one is only 2 months away..Bearded Theory..all in aid of Oxfam..everyone dons a beard and dances for charity..we've got a fair trade stall and a bedouin tea tent there this year..and I got an email last night asking if we'd host the open mic sessions in the cool is that? My little girl absolutely refuses to wear a beard..she's not a man and someone might pull it..

The boiler is fixed! Caffeine definitely has its plusses..

Right..on with the illustrations..

Enjoy the sunshine x


Nik Perring said...

I'm not sure I'm solar powered but I'm looking forward to this rain buggering off!

N x

Marla D said...

I'm ok with the's the wind that's doing my head x